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We do things a little differently at Allegiance Group, our reputation to us is of upmost importance and this starts with the way that we behave in the market place with both you as the client as well as with each candidate.

The most successful hires for a business are always the ones that were born via a smooth recruitment process that included trust and transparency. It is our job to be able to partner with you properly and not transactionally, as once the process has started we’re an extension to your business, and a representation of how the candidates will see you as an employer. Don’t worry though, we have you covered!

We provide an in-depth view to all candidates who are in the recruitment process of your business, background, sector, working hours, salary / benefits information, working culture, team culture as well as the names of any office pets and what your favourite social activities are. We make it our job to know this and pass on every bit of detail that we can, to make your job much easier. So, all you have to do is turn up for the interviews!

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